(31) And if human form is found to have a hierarchy that takes this shape, then the human form is "in the form of the All-Merciful." There is a difference between saying "in the form of the All-Merciful and "in the form of God," because the divine mercy is that to which the Divine Presence gives form through the [human] form.6

(٣١) وإن كان يوجد الصورة الإنسانية نوع ترتيب على هذه الشاكلة، فهى على صورة الرحمن. وفرق بين أن يقال <<على صورة الرحمن>> وبين أن يقال <<على صورة الله> لأن الحمة الإلهية هي التي صورتها التي صورتها الحضرة الإلهية بهذهالصورة.

Al-Ghazali’s distinction here remains somewhat unclear. In paragraphs 33-34 of this chapter he presents his thoughts on the difference between the presence of divinity, kingship, and lordship, so he probably has well-considered reasons for making the present distinction which a blind guess would not illuminate. An adequate answer would entail a complete perusal of al-Ghazali’s extant writings on this topic, assuming that he explained or even mentioned this matter anywhere else.