What is a master? I would say that he is not someone who teaches some-thing, but someone who inspires the student to do his best to discover a knowledge he already has in his soul." 11

Use your bad moments to discover what makes you tremble. Use your good moments to find your road to inner peace. 85

…the student learning to read reaches a point when he frees himself from the individual letters and begins to make words out of them.
However, if the words were all run together, they would make no sense at all or would make understanding extremely hard; there have to be spaces between the words. 120

"Visualize the perfect master always by your side, and do everything to revere him and to honor his teachings. This master, whom many people call God, although some call him 'the thing' and others 'talent,' is always watching us.
"He deserves the best.
"Remember your allies too: you must support them, because they will help you at those moments when you need help. Try to develop the gift of kindness: this gift will allow you to be always at peace with your heart.
But, above all, never forget that what I have told you might perhaps be words of inspiration, but they will make sense only if you experience them yourself." 127